Commodities Fund (ComFund) is established under Crops Act 2013 (amended May 2016), Article 9 (1). The Fund is the successor of the Coffee Development Fund and Sugar Development Fund (which was part of Kenya Sugar Board).

Coffee Development Fund and Kenya Sugar Board were among other Agriculture Sector institutions that ceased to be, following coming to effect of Crops Act 2013 on 1st August 2014, following the review and consolidation of over 130 laws (which existed in the agricultural sector in Kenya, including the Coffee Act, 2001 that had established Coffee Development Fund, and Sugar Act, 2001 that had established Kenya Sugar Board, which administered Sugar Development Fund) which culminated in the enactment of the Agriculture and Food Authority Act, 2013 (amended May 2016), the Crops Act 2013 (amended May, 2016), and the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act, 2013.