Commodities Fund is established by Crops Act, 2013 to provide sustainable and affordable credit and advances to farmers for all or any of the following purposes:
(a) Farm improvement
(b) Farm inputs
(c) Farming operations
(d) Price stabilization
(e) Any other lawful purpose approved.
- Subsidized interest rates, between 3% – 7.5%
- Friendly repayment plans based on reducing balance model
- Favourable securities including tripartite & contract agreements/ bank guarantees
- Revolving Fund tailored to support agricultural value chains from farm to consumption
- Credit facilities tailored to fit targeted crop seasons
- Shariah Complaint facilities under product development
- Producers: Small and Large scale farmers
- Producers’ Institutions
- Processors/millers
- Private and government institutions
- Service providers for scheduled crops (Marketers, transport, exporters, distributors etc.)
- In order to take our services closer to our clients and further reduce the cost of access to agricultural credit, we have established regional offices in Nairobi, Embu, Meru, Nyeri, Kericho, Eldoret, Bungoma and Mombasa
- Sugar Loans
- Coffee Loans
- Coconut Loans
- Cashew nut Loans
SMS mcommodity querying system
- SMS to 220553
- Receive SMS sender name mcommodities
The information you can receive
- Farmer statements/reports
- Intermediary portfolio and statements
- Loan products information
How to receive information
- Send the specific number for retrieving information
- Send the number 1 to 22053 to receive farmer information
- Send ID#2 to 22053 to receive the farmer’s statement
- Send the number 2 to 22053 to intermediary information
- Example Send int00060#2 to the intermediary balance statement
- Send the number 2 to 22053 to get loan product information
- For example, send 32 to 22053 to view extended advances loan product
Browsing information
- Send help to 22053 and follow the instructions until you get the information you want

Commodities Fund
Commodities Fund is a Kenyan government Agricultural agency established by the Crops Act, 2013, to pr
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